2‹Ţt÷«™©ŢžŮr Loacker Corte Pavone

Loacker Corte Pavone - Tuscany


... a great Terroir

Historic Culture, Family innovation

The “Corte Pavone” farm belonged to the Martini di Montalcino family from 1940, it was given over to “Terre Bindella” (CH) in 1988 and since 1996 it has been in the hands of the Loacker family,  since then it has been led according to Rainer Loacker’s motto: “Philosophy with heart and soul”.

Entrepreneurial vision, international experience

A perfect family union: Rainer Loacker, a druggist who has worked for twenty years in an important position in his family business, sweets producers. Then, he took over the Schwarhof farm and introduced it to organic farming. He is in charge of important tasks regarding organization in all three farms but thanks to his experience he also contributes to the work in the vineyards and winery. Hayo Loacker is the winemaker at Schwarhof. As a child he used to help out on his parents’ farm. After finishing his enology studies at the University of Burgundy he had accumulated 10 years of experience in the field of enology in France, South Africa and California. His contribution to us is innovative and he has great coordination abilities.
Franz Josef Loacker, the youngest son of the family, has experience as a chef working for seven years in the most important restaurants in Europe: St. Moritz, London, Cannes and Geneva are just some of the stops on the road in his years working in haute cuisine. In 2004 he decided to take part in the family wine business and he became Sommelier and sales manager for Loacker wines.

Respect for a great “terroir”

Corte Pavone is a visually unique experience where you can see all the way from a 16 hectare vineyard to the horizon of the Tuscan hills, sun kissed by a unique light at the front of which lies the town of Montalcino.
Different aromatic herbs such as rosemary, thyme and lavender adorn the sweet hillsides and their suggestive aromas characterize the future Brunello di Montalcino.
The unique climate and light, clayey soil are at the base of this wine’s character. The grapes, organically farmed and carefully selected, are gently processed in the winery and the wine ages in oak casks until it slowly becomes a Corte Pavone Brunello di Montalcino. The heart of the winery is composed of the new bio-architectural cellar inaugurated three years ago. The light filled tasting room can hold up to 50 people and has a magnificent view of historic Montalcino.

The surface area of the company is 91 hectares at 500 m. a. s. l.
Area planted in vines: 16 hectares
Wines: "Rosso di Montalcino" Corte Pavone 100% Sangiovese, aging in large oak casks, goes to market after two years
"Brunello di Montalcino" Corte Pavone 100% Sangiovese, aging for four years in large oak casks and bottles, goes to market after five years.


Sine 1979 we have used organic viticulture, not an easy job. European vineyards have been afflicted by destructive fungus for more than 100 years. In spite of this fungal revolution, the vine can live without chemical products and build new ways to protect itself organically. By using homeopathic remedies, we make the vine resistant to adversity and parasites and we help it to develop and bloom, from the budding of the first sprouts to the ripening of the clusters. Homeopathic remedies also help the vines in periods of high stress, frost, and rainy or hot periods. Special microorganisms influence the quality of the soil, the hardiness of the vine and its growth. The vine can do without chemical treatments – confirms Rainer Loacker, founder of Loacker Remedia (a company that makes homeopathic products for people) – and build modes of defense in natural ways. With homeopathic remedies the plant is resistant to climatic adversity and parasites and we make the vine resistant to adversity and parasites and we help it to develop and bloom, from the budding of the first sprouts to the ripening of the clusters. This means that in the vineyards of the Loacker farms the use of chemicals in the vineyards has been eliminated, replaced with biodynamic and homeopathic preparations. Arnica, for example, works to remedy damage caused by hail to both grape and vine; Aconitum is used against sudden infections, while Silicea contributes to reinforce the structure of the leaves and buds. The goal is to obtain the best balance possible of the vine.

In the winery we have the same philosophy: spontaneous fermentation with natural yeasts.


Organic Certification: 1996. Certified by BIOS – Certification Entity authorized by MiPAAF IT BIO 005, Certifier n. V115

Discover the Winetours at Corte Pavone...




E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web loacker.net
Tel. +39 0577 848110
Fax +39 0577 846442
Teresa 0471 365125 Hayo 335 6766101

 Closed only 2 weeks at Christmas and the week at mid August.


LocalitĂ  Corte Pavone
53024 Montalcino (SI)- ITALY
N 43.052759° E 11.452597°


Together as a consortium since 2004 to promote organic production philosophy and lifestyle in a coordinated way.

Tel/Fax +39 0173 566412

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