2‹Þt÷«™©ÞžÙr The principles of the SYNERGETIC vegetable garden applied to Organic Viticulture

ORGANIC & BEYOND - our Magazine of Taste & Culture
our Magazine of Taste & Culture

Saturday, 26 March 2016 18:19

The principles of the SYNERGETIC vegetable garden applied to Organic Viticulture

The principles of the SYNERGETIC vegetable garden applied to organic Viticulture, actually represent a further evolution towards the adoption of all-natural techniques combined with the control of the organic certification authorities, guaranteeing us as final consumers an ever more authentic, good and healthy product.


But let's proceed with order and see how you get to this final result.

Let's review the matter we are talking about: The principles of Synergetic garden: "unity is strength"

(FROM http://www.growtheplanet.com/it/blog/impara/articolo/291/agricoltura-sinergica-quattro-regole-per-fare-orto )

By growing in the same ecosystem different species of plants that reinforce each other, there is no need to use chemicals to protect them and feed them.

The agricultural technique comes from the Spanish women farmer Emilia Hazelip (1938-2003), who developed the natural farming principles "of the non-action" by Masanobu Fukuoka leading to AUTO-FERTILITY of soil.

The synergistic gardening is based on four principles:

1. Avoid plowing: the soil is naturally rich with micro-organisms whose beneficial activity for plants and in particular screws is altered if these are removed by the plow; in conventional agriculture it is recovered by spreading the ground with other chemicals

2. Do not crush the ground: so that the micro organisms in the soil can have proper ventilation. That's why agriculture synergistic principles require to separate the farmland between where you go on foot and where you drive the tractor

3. Do not fertilize: fertilization occurs through a natural organic coverage as well as with fallen leaves in a forest that no one dreams of having to collect. The vineyard leave herbs as green manure when he grew up.

4. Planting different species of plants: to activate the synergistic activity. The plants help each other.


And 'particularly suitable for small estates, typical of small wine producers such as Marina Marcarino to Punset that manages to reduce the environmental impact with lower CO2 emissions, not to subject the personnel to the poisons of intensive cultivation and bringing balance and health to the plants reducing the need to use the Copper stimulating self-defense.

Put simply ... this is what it means to do good to themselves, to others and to all that surrounds us here with Marina and farmers of the Association which she gave birth became possible.

Follow us on ... then routes the Italian-Organic wine route and discover our proposals welcome ... in a better world!

Application of Synergetic Method to Marina Marcarino's vineyards:
"I protect the soil using the technique of" mulching ", that means allowing Green manure and other wild herbs to grow between the rows until they seed and then feed themselves for the next year; in this way the soil is protected from erosion and even more it auto-fertilize through the decomposition of the same herbs. "
"... .In Addition, it is fundamental to protect the ecosystem in the vineyard and follow the signs phyto-sociological mutual stimulus to growth and defense, so I grow plants with repellent action (such as marigold, calendula, mustard) in the vicinity of the screws; in practice by diversifying crops so closely I get a real defense against pests; the end result of this technique is a synergistic Environment understood as soil, plants, micro-organisms with a very wide biodiversity. "
"..therefore my wines are spontaneous, more expressive and rich in personality that evolves slowly, slowly once uncorked in the glass."

To buy directly from the winery's wines by Marina subscribe to our Wine Club.


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